Pain Management Specialists

Pain is the body`s way to communicate with us. Chronic pain is exhausting, frustrating and can be difficult to manage.

Our pain clinic utilizes a biopsychosocial strategy to help treat pain. The clinic offers treatments, physiotherapy and medications as well as minimally-invasive treatments. The medications are taken orally, or via intravenous.


Pain can be a sign of many injuries, illnesses and conditions. It may be chronic or acute. Sleep, mood, energy health, quality of living and sleep all can be affected by discomfort. Specialists in pain management offer numerous medical and therapeutic methods to lessen pain and improve the health of the patients.

They utilize a multi-disciplinary approach to manage pain and they focus on the total patient in order to ensure they are able to return to their normal routine as quickly as possible. They offer physiotherapy, medicine and surgical procedures, in addition to non-surgical treatments like needle acupuncture and nerve blocks.

Castle Connolly recognizes them as Top Doctors. Their facilities are equipped with the best medical equipment from reputable manufacturers such as 3M, GE and Siemens. They also have partnerships with hospitals, which means they can provide your care should you are required to stay in hospital. It gives you the assurance that your treatment is as thorough as is possible.


The role of physiotherapy is crucial in the treatment of chronic pain as it helps improve physical mobility as well as ease muscle tension and aid in restoring normal sleeping patterns. It is also used to combat anxiety and depression that could be the cause or causing pain.

The best option is to select a clinic that uses a multidisciplinary approach for pain management. This includes an PT who can examine and treat issues with movement and offer you fitness advice. They could recommend Pilates, Yoga, Tai Chi, or swimming as exercises that can reduce discomfort and improve overall health.

It is vital to find a clinic for pain that can provide the psychological treatment (such as counselling, therapy and relaxation methods) as well as physical therapy. It can decrease depression and anxiety which can cause a rise in the pain and lower level of living. It`s worth keeping a log of your symptoms and the effects they have on you.


Pain Management

It is a crucial part of the body`s communication system. It can happen as a result of injuries, diseases or conditions. The pain can be intense and go away after healing, or chronic pain can last months and years. The specialists in pain can control the pain by using medications, procedures, and exercises.

A pain management specialist will spend the initial consultation with you, getting to know the specifics of your pain. They will usually have you rate your pain on an appropriate scale and then describe the pain as well as paying attention to the causes. Do remember to see a if you are unsure! Don`t save this kind of money.

They then conduct an examination of the body, which includes pressing on the area of pain and then shifting it around. For example blood tests or x-rays can be taken to determine the severity of the discomfort. Doctors will present you with a a working or preliminary diagnosis in light of the test results and their knowledge.